Checkpoint #16

Chunk of a draft! 200-500 words.



You take a chunk of related notes (one of your subtopics), you put them in rough order, and you write about that "subtopic" until you've used them up.  Maybe 200-500 words.


Learning Goal

Seeing how notes become paragraphs.  You've got this. 


How I Meet the Checkpoint

Connect a Paper through the "Paper" tab on Noodletools (usually a Google Doc).  Write up a bunch of notes with all of your ideas connecting them together.  Be sure to share it with me (!

Remember: You're writing up paraphrases, ideas and quotes that came from specific sources. If a note contains a quote it must be cited with a parenthetical citation.  If it's a paraphrase, it may need a parenthetical citation.  Common knowledge does not need a citation.  Specialized knowledge does.  See more on the When to Cite Sources page linked here..


Due Date

Monday, 3/11