I-Search: Former Topics

Here’s a sampling of topics that students have explored for their I-Search papers in the past:

You’ll notice that these topics are in the form of a research question. This invites exploration, and not simply finding evidence for a preconceived idea.

Are fast food restaurants responsible for America’s increasing obesity?

How does living with Autism affect a person’s social interactions?

Do professional athletes make too much money?

Should energy drinks be regulated?

Who is responsible to stop school bullying?

Are graphic novels literature?

Do therapy animals really help?

What are the reasons for the increase in ADD diagnoses in the US?

Does Heavy Metal music incite violence?

Is hip-hop dance a legitimate art form?

What is the purpose of high school?

Is standardized testing a fair assessment of student ability?

Should we try to eliminate the coyote population in Maine?

Should bosses be allowed to look at their employee’s social media profiles?

Do school uniforms help students to focus more on academics?

Should public education be privatized?

Can smartphones be addictive?

How do internationally adopted children assimilate into their new families?

Is there really a liberal media bias?

Should the Fairness Doctrine be brought back?

Do video games desensitize kids to violence?

Does everybody have a fundamental right to quality health care?

Should schools block social and streaming media from their internet access points?

Should schools eliminate drugs from campus with dogs and a police presence?

Why are diagnoses on the Autism spectrum increasing in young people?

Who are better drivers- teens or the elderly?

Should sex education be taught in schools?

Do children’s toys create unrealistic body images for children?

Are social networking sites good for our society?

Why do we laugh?

Should teens have medical rights to their bodies?

What’s the difference between advertising and fine art?

How should the NFL handle helmet-to-helmet hits in football?

Should Maine create a North Woods National Park?

Why do we care what celebrities think, say and do?

Should energy drinks be given to teens?

Does school start too early?

Is all the food we eat safe?

Should professional athletes be punished by their leagues for their off-field behavior?

Is our attention span getting... oh, look at the kitty.

How do untreated/undiagnosed sensory issues affect children in classroom environments?

Is the medical marijuana system being abused?

Is standardized testing a fair way to measure a student’s academic abilities?

Is popular culture creating an unhealthy view of the male body?

Does social media make people more unhappy?

How will the #MeToo movement change corporate culture?

Should schools require students to be vaccinated?

Should smartphones be banned in schools?

Are teenagers more stressed today than they were 40 years ago?

Is it wrong for schools to teach Critical Race Theory?

Are global sweatshops worth cheap clothing?

How should the US balance personal freedoms with security?