About the I-Search

Class Structure

Most classes begin with a mini-lesson of how to reach the next checkpoint. These will generally be 20 minutes or less, with the remaining time being independent.

Working Independently
Minus the short lessons, I-Search gives you 80 minutes 2x a week + 45 minute Fridays to research and take notes. 

This is a lot of time if you use it well.

There will be classes where everybody will be working on exactly the same task, but as we get deeper, you'll structure you own use of time.  There will be checkpoints that are easy to reach in a few minutes of class time.  There will be checkpoints that will require time spent on I-Search outside of class.  It's
your job to figure out how your time is best spent.  I don't nag or hover.  I expect progress.

Meeting Checkpoints
If you're not meeting checkpoints, you're not going to pass.  It's that simple.  If you're someone who is accustomed to doing work after its due date, you'll need to reconsider your workflow. 

Teacher Conferences
Expect to meet with me nearly every class.  I'll check your progress, offer advice, and help steer your process.  I can't help you if you haven't done your part, though.