
The contentment pill.

Can a better life be discovered through medication? 
Read the testimony, then decide for yourself.

The Deadline is coming for you to vote.

You have three choices.


You can ban Psychamine

This choice would effectively keep Psychamine from ever being used by humans.  The drug is difficult to synthesize outside of a lab setting, and a ban before manufacturing would seal the chemical recipe from public view.


You can make it prescription-only (Rx)

In this choice a medical provider acts as the "gatekeeper" between the user and the drug.  Lots of medicines are controlled this way- although that doesn't keep people from abusing the drugs, or selling them on the street. 


You can make it over-the counter (OTC)

This choice puts it onto store shelves like aspirin and it's up to individuals to decide if Psychamine is right for them.

Better get a letter out to your constituents

The deadline coming, and there's already rumblings out there in the world about the pros and cons of this potential wonder-drug.  The time to act is now.

Lots of voters will be unhappy

There's so much strong sentiment about the wonders and dangers of this new drug that people are getting set into their positions.

A few will agree with you

Although a few will already agree with your vote, you can probably persuade others who disagree if you are calm, rational and reasonable in your explanation.

Sol Yurick comes back with a detailed presentation

There's likely some quotable testimony in here.
 Refer to direct and paraphrased evidence as (Yurick).

"It has not been in the pursuit of pleasure that I have periled life and reputation and reason. It has been the desperate attempt to escape from torturing memories, from a sense of insupportable loneliness and a dread of some strange impending doom.”

– Edgar Allan Poe